© Morales-Sánchez José Luis, Hernández-Bautista Emilio, Sánchez-Medina Marco Antonio, Pérez-Santiago Alma Dolores, Matías-Pérez Diana, García-Montalvo Iván Antonio. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation:
José Luis M-S, Emilio H-B, Marco Antonio S-M, Alma Dolores P-S, Diana M-P, Iván Antonio G-M (2023) Preliminary study of Nicuatole, a traditional endemic food based on Zea mays from the Central Valleys Region, Oaxaca, Mexico. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture 35(9): 839-843. https://doi.org/10.9755/ejfa.2023.3155 |
The present investigation evaluated the pre-Hispanic food called "nicuatole" based on corn, from the Central Valleys region of the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The objective of the present work was to present preliminary results of the physicochemical and proximate properties of the pre-Hispanic food locally known as "nicuatole". The sample was prepared based on the traditional endemic recipe of the population of San Agustín Yatareni, Oaxaca, Mexico. To determine the physicochemical composition, samples of 10 g and 3 g were used for the tests (pH and density) and nutritional tests (moisture, proteins, lipids, minerals, and carbohydrates) based on the methods described by the Association of Official Analytical Chemistry (AOAC). As results, it was obtained that it has a pH of 6.18 and a density of 1.0812 g*mL-1. The main results of the proximal analysis and chemical composition of "nicuatole" were 2.1325% protein; 1.54% ash; 66.3738% humidity content; 0.7563% lipids; 9.6271% carbohydrates; 13.1731% fiber. The pre-Hispanic food known as "nicuatole" can be considered a healthy alternative for the Mexican population.
Keywords: Pre-hispanic food; Nicuatole; Zea mays; Mexico; Dessert